The After School Enrichment Program (ASEP) is offered exclusively to students of Eagles Landing Christian Academy (K3 – 12th grade) starting at 3:15PM until 6:30PM (except for Wednesday's where pick-up is 6PM due to church activities). Eligibility is offered on a first come, first serve basis. Enrollment for ASEP is achieved by completing the enrollment form below. Enrollment is only required for full-time attendance.
Students not involved in a sport, club or other after school activity who remain on campus after 3:30 PM must report to the after-school program or risk an automatic detention for not being supervised.
The Full-Time status rate is $13 per day and is billed starting in September through May. There is a $30, non-refundable, enrollment fee that will be billed upon your enrollment.
Middle/High: yearly amount will be billed monthly starting in September
Lower: yearly amount will be billed monthly starting in September
If you enroll in ASEP on a full-time basis after school begins, your billing will be prorated based on your start date through the remaining number of months in school.
By completing the ASEP enrollment form, you understand you will be billed at the full-time rate without regard to attendance. Once enrolled, a withdrawal request must be completed to change from full-time to drop-in status. If you later wish to re-enroll for full-time status, you will be required to pay a $30 re-enrollment fee.
The ASEP Drop-In rate is $18 per day and is billed on a monthly basis starting in September. All students not attending on a full-time basis are considered drop-in and no enrollment form is necessary.
When picking up your child from ASEP, park at the north portico (near the playground). Check out your child at the ASEP desk across from the library and the student will be called to go home. Students will only be released to those listed in RenWeb/FACTS as having permission to pick up the student. Please be prepared to present your government issued picture ID at time of pickup.
ON DAYS NOT ATTENDING (Elementary and Preschool): If your child is enrolled in ASEP, the regular classroom teacher will take him/her to enrichment at 3:15 PM. If there is a day your child will not attend the program, please inform the classroom teacher and go through the carpool line to pick up your child.
If your preschool or elementary student is attending the After School Enrichment Program on a "drop-in" basis, please alert your child's teacher to let her know when he/she will attend ASEP.
Students who remain after 6:30PM (or after 6PM on Wednesday's) will be charged $5 per minute until checked out. Late pick-up charges are billed monthly.
Anyone who wishes to withdraw their student from full-time ASEP enrollment must submit, in writing, a withdrawal request in order to terminate full-time status billing. Withdrawal requests may be emailed, returned to the receptionist's desk, or faxed to 770.957.2290. Students withdrawing from ASEP and later re-enrolling into the program will incur a $30 re-enrollment fee.
To reach the ASEP receptionist's desk after school, call 678-818-1033.