Welcome to Eagle's Landing Christian Academy, where we have been empowering students to impact the world since 1970.
The Student Handbook is intended to inform the ELCA community about policies and procedures concerning students. It consolidates information from many sources on a variety of topics. It seeks to assist in the orientation of new students and to provide all students with an up-to-date reference on significant matters relating to ELCA life.
It is the responsibility of each student/parent to be knowledgeable of the contents of this handbook. For their own benefit, students are urged to familiarize themselves with all relevant portions of the Student Handbook and ask for clarification of any information by contacting the administration of their respective school.
We trust you will find your Student Handbook helpful throughout the year.
Eagle's Landing Christian Academy is a gospel-centered, Kingdom-focused, college preparatory school that exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God.
Students, it is our prayer that your experience at ELCA will not only challenge you to reach academic heights and provide an environment for character development, but most importantly, establish a foundation for growth in your relationship with Jesus Christ that you will build upon all your life. Our administration, faculty and staff will pray for you daily as you discern God's will for your life.

College Counseling
Email: Heather Reagan or Misty Weber
Testing (MERIT) Accommodations
Email: Dr. Anna King
MERIT Classes: Grades 6-12
Elementary Reading Programs: Grades K-2 and 3-5
Elementary Math Program: Grades 3-5
Senate Bill 10
Mental Health Counseling
Email: Holly Capp, LCSW
(404) 867-0909
ELCA offers a network of diverse staff members to whom students can go if they wish to talk about a spiritual or mental health issue. This list is not exhaustive. Students can go to any person within the school to discuss psychological/emotional/spiritual issues. Notwithstanding, this network provides adults on campus who are available to assist as needed. Predominantly, these individuals will connect the student with resources in which the focus is prevention, intervention, positive development, and regular communication between school and families. Most importantly, though, the goal of this network is to glorify God. He is the Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6), Great Healer (Psalm 103:3), Eternal Helper (John 14:16) Restorer of the Broken-hearted (Psalm 147:3) and Keeper of Perfect Peace (Isaiah 26:3). Our staff is committed to assisting our students and their families by pointing them to the only ONE who can truly meet their needs. Through these resources, the focus is prevention, intervention, positive development, and regular communication between school and families.
Members of the Support Network represent a school-wide commitment to improve mental health recognition and to provide beneficial resources in supporting students who are experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, or eating disorders. We are excited to discover more ways to impact our students to ensure their positive well-being.
ELCA does not tolerate bullying, harassment, or intimidation of any sort. Principals and the school counselor will thoroughly assess and intervene any such suspicions. Many preventative efforts are made through our Kingdom Educational foundation and Biblical Worldview approach to behavioral expectations. Our chapel services, Unity Counsel, Student government accountability groups, and more each promote proper treatment of others. Any deviation is quickly identified and addressed.
In any instance whereby child abuse or neglect is suspected, the staff member will immediately notify a principal and/or the School Counselor. The student will be evaluated and referred to the governmental authorities as determined appropriate by these individuals and as consistent with Mandatory Reporting laws. Mandated Reporters are not required to notify guardians of an official report of child abuse or neglect. ELCA will disclose this information as deemed safe and appropriate. Georgia Code for Child Abuse and Neglect
Licensed Clinical Social Worker: Mrs. Holly Capp
Indirect Counseling
Bible Class – financial planning, inductive studies, worldview formation, mentoring, sex education,abstinence, social justice, rebellion, risk-taking, mental health, etc.
Accountability groups
Chapels on living victoriously, peer relations, social media, vaping, honesty, integrity
Leadership seminars (such as SLI)
Wilds’ 4-day Spiritual Retreat
Professional Counselor's classroom presentations on body image, self-image, anxiety, healthy friendships, harassment/bullying, emotional regulation, healthy habits, pornography, technology, organization, and more.
Self Esteem Building
Awards ceremonies
Whitewater rafting for seniors
Peer accountability groups
Wilds’ ropes courses/hikes
Life Time Sports class
Life Preparedness/Career Readiness
Guidance Counseling - Mrs. Weber
Personality inventory for life skill strengths
Disney Senior trip (learning to navigate independence)
Transition lectures for middle and high school students
Orientation for rising seniors and their parents discussing college/career requirements upon graduation
World Impact Mission trips
Safe Driving lectures/classes
Lower school parent articles
Staff Development
Book study
Continuing Education on mental health, physical health, spiritual health, cultural diversity
Cultural Diversity
Diversity Council
Historic Excursions
Curriculum Integration
Grace Week
Taste of ELCA
Classroom Discussions
Chapel Integration
School Cohesiveness
Grade Level Overnight Trips (Rock Eagle, St. Augustine, The Wilds, Walt Disney World, Creation Museum, Washington DC)
Mission Trips
Academic/Cultural Multi-night Excursions
Senior Rafting trip
Pep Rallies
Student council
Crisis Intervention
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Holly Capp
Ethnic Unity Liaison, Gilbert Fields
School Resource Officer, Jacob Hearn
Licensed Nurse, Linda Payne
Concealed-carry staff members
Onsite active shooter training for faculty and staff
Regular drills with students for emergency preparedness (tornado, fire, active shooter, etc.)
Eagles Landing Counseling Center (licensed professional counselors)
The Church and Therapy Blog Post
Struggling with Stress and Depression-Blog Post
The Truth about Eating Disorders
The Importance of School Mental Health Services
Redefine Grace: Mental Health Solutions
Student Mental Health Concerns: Steps to Take Now
Eagles Landing Counseling Center (licensed professional counselors)
Satan is No Friend of the Family-Blog Post

The Leadership Scholarship sponsored by the Student Council is available to all seniors. The recipient of this scholarship will demonstrate the attributes specific to Student Council’s mission: leadership, service, academic integrity, and exemplary representation of Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy’s spirit.
To apply for this scholarship, a student must meet the following criteria: 1) be eligible to receive the Hope scholarship, 2) submit a letter of reference from a faculty member which attests to the student’s eligibility for consideration, 3) submit evidence of admissions to a post-secondary institution for the upcoming fall, and 4) submit a completed application by the due date. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
President – Elizabeth Lewis
Vice President – Emily Moghaddam and Robert Tagoe
Chaplain - Nyla Osmani
Co-Chaplains - Reagan Harris (Service) and Rush Phelps (Discipleship)
Public Relations - Grace Lee
Public Relations Vice President - Eli Phillips
Unity President - Madison Norwood
Unity Vice President - Ana Corales
Finance - Allison Hinton
Finance Vice President - Christopher Craddock
President – Kaila Leslie
Vice-President – Jack Shuler
Unity Board Representative - Donovan Smalls
Female Chaplain - Holly Hardeman
Male Chaplain - Caden Mirocha
Public Relations - Gracey Harris & Abby Lapsley
President – Alexa Blackburn
Vice-President – Olivia Brewer
Unity Board Representative - Jiya Patel
Female Chaplain - Merrin Tyson
Male Chaplain - Judah Tyler
Public Relations - Isis Bonsu
President – Christina Scott
Vice-President – Layla Lewis
Unity Board Representatives - Gracie Rivers & Rylee Collier
Male Chaplain - Aidan Kelly
Public Relations - Olivia Dotson
Freshman Representative – Sadye Tyler
Freshman Representative – Hannah Wood
Freshman Representative - Dylan Tinsley
Freshman Representative - Odell Barnwell

Eagle's Landing Christian Academy believes that to be competitive in a global economy we need a technology–rich environment to prepare students for life in the 21st century. In a very competitive, digital economy, educational technology is one of the critical components for providing the tools our students need in order to reach their full potential. It is our goal to provide technology integrated standards based curriculum that will allow our students to acquire the skills needed to be successful in the 21st century’s global community and workforce.
If you have any questions regarding ELCA's technology integration program and plans, please contact Denise Martin.
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